Mama’s Parasympathetic Cheat Sheet

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The two branches of the autonomic (which controls automatic functions of the body) nervous system are the sympathetic and parasympathetic. We know sympathetic as the fight, flight, or freeze branch. The parasympathetic is the rest, digest, and heal branch of the nervous system. Both have a purpose and we want to live in a balanced place where we can shift from one to the other smoothly as needed.

When we are operating in the sympathetic nervous system and feel “stuck” here, as in feeling stressed when you are sitting on the couch relaxing after a long day, no stressors in sight or mind, we can use somatic tools to shift into the parasympathetic branch in order to unwind and relax. Somatic means “relating to the body as opposed to the. mind.” We can use the body to inform the mind that it is time to relax.

Here are some of my favorite somatic tools – your parasympathetic cheat sheet.

Supplement options:

  • Mother Earth Labs ionic magnesium
  • Earthley magnesium lotion
  • BodyBio Calm