About Me

Welcome! I’m Gina, an Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP), NASM Certified Personal Trainer, and homeschool mom of two girls (plus a son who is still a toddler). In 2017 I was exposed to toxic black mold in our home and got very sick. I’d been teaching others about basic wellness for 5 years already, but didn’t know how to help myself out of the rapid downward spiral of symptoms. It took me years of long nights researching, dealing with scary symptoms, and lots of prayer to find out what was wrong and how to heal.

This was especially difficult as a homeschool mom, trying to give my children the best education while feeling I did not have the energy or capacity to do more than the bare minimum. I know what it’s like to love having your children at home while wondering, “Is this the best choice for us right now? What if I can’t do this because of my physical limitations?”

After recovering, I decided to become an IHP to help others who are struggling with frustrating symptoms to recover using detoxing, diet, stress management, mindset renewal, and supplementation. What was the darkest time in my life is now being used to bring light to so many others!

In my health coaching sessions, I teach clients how to replenish nutrients postpartum, find joy, strength, and energy again, and get to the root cause of stubborn symptoms. Head over to my calendar to schedule our first session together. Let your healing begin! xo, Gina

As an Integrative Health Practitioner, I offer 1-on-1 or group coaching for women who believe they can heal and are ready to do what it takes to recover from stress-based illness and postpartum depletion just like I did.

My protocols for you will include diet, supplementation, detoxification, custom blood work & functional medicine lab analysis, and stress management techniques to shift your body out of fight or flight and into healing mode!

Click here to see my availability and book our first session together!


I am an Integrative Health Practitioner (Level 1) under Naturopathic Doctor Stephen Cabral. Through the IHP program I studied health from a variety of perspectives including Ayurvedic wellness traditions, bioregulatory medicine, orthomolecular medicine, traditional naturopathy, and functional medicine. As an Integrative Health Practitioner, I am trained to provide diet, exercise, stress management, toxin removal, rest, emotional, supplementation, and success mindset protocols for clients.

Prior to becoming an Integrative Health Practitioner, I received my Bachelor’s of Science in Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences from the University of South Florida, became an AAAI/ISMA Certified Personal Trainer (now certified through the National Academy of Sports Medicine), and taught hundreds of educational classes on using essential oils for wellness.

Bloodwork Analysis

After studying blood chemistry under Emily Morrow, FNTP, IHP, I have been trained to order and review clients’ bloodwork for optimal ranges, not simply “normal” ranges. (I cannot diagnose, treat, or cure any diseases based on your bloodwork.) At a regular doctor’s appointment, your bloodwork is compared to “average” numbers. These averages take into account the entire population, not just the healthy population.

If your bloodwork looks “fine” but you’re still struggling with frustrating symptoms, it’s time to compare your bloodwork results to optimal ranges and make a plan to bring your body into optimal range.

In your 1:1 client session we can discuss your previous bloodwork, or I can order comprehensive bloodwork panels for you to complete before our first appointment.

Personal Training

More details coming soon.